Tango TV Speedmapping Extravaganza!

On June 9, 2013, in Uncategorized, by alfonzo

Good greetings, everyone! Today on Tango TV we bring you a special feature-length episode for your viewing pleasure — a TTV Speedmapping Extravaganza! Tarnsman, Alfonzo, MTrop, joepallai and Rottking sit down to compose a single speedmap each within a 100 minute time limit. Jimmy was unfortunately unable to join us due to Perth falling silently into a wormhole and reappearing many hours into the future.

The episode proved highly popular for those watching, and so we anticipate a possible series of these videos to emerge as TTV evolves, either replacing certain episodes of Program B or functioning as its own, standalone series of videos.

>> Extravaganza! << (Twitch.tv link)

We’ll be posting these episodes as Twitch.tv videos instead of podcasts, as with Tarnsman mapping vigorously on-screen and the sheer determination shown by those participating to finish their maps on time… it rather detracts from the sort of meaningful discussion we might expect out of a typical Program B episode. For the most part. An audio-only format, we think you’ll agree, would make for an uninvolving listen.

Here are the maps, in all their glory:

>> Download << (Map pack, 98kb)

accident.wad - Alfonzo (Doom2 map01)
jpsp13.wad - Joe Pallai (Doom2 map01)
programb.wad - Matt Tropiano (Doom e1m1)
rottspeed01.wad - Rottking (TNT map01)
Tarns-speed.wad - Tarnsman (Plutonia map01)


EDIT: I feel obliged to point out that both accident.wad and programb.wad are the first speedmapping efforts by their respective authors, and that Tarnsman is an unholy machine unfit for humankind.


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