On E1M8, we talk about 2016’s stellar track record, Doom’s job, the second biggest birdbrain in the community, elves, Romero’s power level, how rigged the Cacowards are, the fierce battle for HDoom, legal advice, a hidden Plutonia mode, sprite-based lighting, Pathways to Darkness, Quake’s design direction, the new Overwatch sequel, Kegan and Yholl being silenced, Yholl playing retro FPSes, ModDB and how much we absolutely adore its community and competent staff no really we absolutely fucking LOVE IT MMMMMMMMM YES LOVE ME MORE SNAKE, pinball with RPG mechanics, genital-based marketing and the rise and fall of EreXion, the five fans of Hexen, the secrets behind Laundry 3 and Combined_Arms, Kinsie’s beloved status, Game Maker as a Doom 4 ripping tool, the inevitable MetaDoom mapset, and which of us act as the Bara Brothers.
On E1M7, we talk about being foul-mouthed, Wolfenstein pinball, how jealous we are of D4D getting special treatment, Graf Zahl as the head of PR, programmers being perfectly normal and stable people, the cultural impact of Tony Hawk, the Masters of Doom movie, WildWeasel and Wil Wheaton being the WW brothers, why plagiarism is cool, Marphy Black, EYE being a wonderful retro FPS, SNKlish, the Cyberdemon’s angry french brother, Term’s fetishes, what mods we’re not working on, pleasing everybody, working on things while being sick, TNT: Evilution and how it stacks up to Plutonia, puzzles in Doom, puzzles in Hexen, American fast food, and pissing off Kegan.
In E1M6, we introduce 1C4RU5L1VE5, we talk about Kinsie’s refrigerator, his latent love affairs, our political opinions, a death in the community, Japanese mappers, Nature’s Call winning Best Gameplay Caco, delicious bratwurst, why it’s trendy to follow the crowd, Earth Defense Force, why popularity is the best metric to judge a source port, 3DGE driving people to violence, caving in to peer pressure, mega-p0wnz0rring le Internet memes, more political opinions, why racism is never cool, old men running the world in an electronic new age, whether Halo counts as a retro game now, programming with duct tape, coming to terms with how old we are, self-promotion, recreating Doom 64 in GZDoom, Shivers having a close encounter with an anonymous mod, Hexen 64 being objectively the best version of Hexen, and cutscenes in Doom.
On E1M5, we talk about Xaser coming back for an encore performance, more criticism from the previous podcasts, three years of ramen, why Reddit is a great place to get Doom news, the Playstation 4, paying for Doom mods, artists on Patreon, Brutal Doom, popularity on the internet, Kotaku being a reliable news site, DLC, Xaser forgetting that this is a retro FPS podcast, Hexen’s mechanics, shooting Hitler, why punching the Spider Mastermind is a good idea, half-hour segues, Doom 64 on ZDoom, making multiplayer maps, video games being fun, the Bloodborne expansion for GMOTA, mapping for Heretic, why the Tome of Power is problematic, and opinions on the internet.
In E1M4, we talk about Marty’s lack of fanbase, Xaser’s homeworld rituals, the nominees for this year’s Mordeth award, Intermission’s plans to become a text-based podcast, how jealous we are of Brutal Doom’s staggeringly optimized codebase, professional Doom 64 mapping techniques, Shadow Warrior 2 being our favorite retro FPS, Kinsie’s grudge against Xaser talking, Quake with sprites and furries, more free marketing for Dusk, how much ACS ZDoom can handle at once, the ability to take criticism, Vinesauce’s DUMP, talking shit about projects we’ve done nothing for, how elitist the mapping community is, the beauty of the Egosmasher shotgun, Xaser’s vaporwave wads, Mordeth’s inevitable release, AND WE GO WAY OVER ONE HOUR.
In E1M3, we talk about Jimmy and his long list of accomplishments, how GZDoom is objectively better without netplay, our microphones getting sucked up by tornados mid-speaking, why posting EDuke32 mods on the ZDoom forums is hip and cool, how trucolor is all that’s needed to make a new source port, how high-resolution sprites will never be cool, Jimmy’s unrequited crush on Tormentor, Kinsie’s requited hatecrush on Tormentor, Shivers’ favorite Wolfendoom mods, mappers with foot fetishes, how much I fucking love Black Warrior, Jimmy’s lack of Square progress, Kinsie wasting his life, the Citizen Kane of Doom, and how DUMP III still isn’t released.
In E1M2, we talk about getting downvoted and how that makes us feel bad, being cool on Doomworld, the unreal strife of the dark forces, twitter being a cool place for self-promotion, Randy Pitchford’s status as the most embarrassing CEO, the data of Day of the Tentacle, speedrunning being passé, beating John Romero’s stepchild, why Duke Nukem 3D’s maps are better than Doom’s, why 3DGE is a useless source port, the release dates of Half-Life and Unreal, Bethesda’s Doom 2016 and its incredible modding, how much people love EWolf32, how much we love Aleph One, and how much we’re anticipating the next Doom Radio podcast.
Note from admin: We’d like to welcome TerminusEst13 and his crew’s new show, tentatively titled “Intermission”, to the Doom Radio family of programs. Let us know if you like it by leaving a comment.
In E1M1, we talk about Doom being popular and how unlikely that is, what happens when you smoosh wads together, Jumpmaze being for casual scum, Requiem for best aesthetics Cacoward, how much I hate Cyriak, Zandronum compatibility, New Zealand internet being inherently superior for GZDoom netplay, me not working on DUMP 3, Kinsie’s love life, why DemonSteele will never have its own mapset, juvenile power fantasies, how much we love a mod with a name we can’t even remember, and 2012 returning for part two.
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