On E2M2, we talk about Full House, canyon.mid in Mario Paint, legal issues, Intermission’s competition, Dead Simple remakes being the top-tier wad types of all time, ZDoom maps being the second-most-top-tier wad types, REKKR being more popular than Adventures of Square, Sandy Petersen mapping for ZDoom projects, millennials in the megawad clubs, Carmack inventing the .wad, how Doom’s saves work, Aeons of Death’s shining accomplishments, weapon and monster randomizer mods, turduckens, philosophy of weapon counts, HDoom’s weapon limit, hosting a Doom convention in Japan, what the Quake singleplayer experience actually is, censoring, Doom 2: 4 2, Doom 4’s uphill climb against expectations, all while I sit and brood in envy at how much better Alfonzo’s microphone is compared to mine.
In E1M4, we talk about Marty’s lack of fanbase, Xaser’s homeworld rituals, the nominees for this year’s Mordeth award, Intermission’s plans to become a text-based podcast, how jealous we are of Brutal Doom’s staggeringly optimized codebase, professional Doom 64 mapping techniques, Shadow Warrior 2 being our favorite retro FPS, Kinsie’s grudge against Xaser talking, Quake with sprites and furries, more free marketing for Dusk, how much ACS ZDoom can handle at once, the ability to take criticism, Vinesauce’s DUMP, talking shit about projects we’ve done nothing for, how elitist the mapping community is, the beauty of the Egosmasher shotgun, Xaser’s vaporwave wads, Mordeth’s inevitable release, AND WE GO WAY OVER ONE HOUR.
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