It appears as though Where’s All The Data episode 4, which was to provide reviews for Stardate 20X6 and Monochrome Mapping Project respectively, never materialized in podcast form. Fortunately, though, we preserved the stream! What joy!
…And here’s Jimmy’s quality review, incorporating delicately the chords that were selected to summarize the reviews for this month.
Heads up for those available this weekend; TTV-pb11 will be a discussion on comments, criticism and feedback, and we’re looking for one or two folks to step up to the plate and get involved on Saturday evening! MTrop will most likely be present alongside Tarnsman and myself, so there’ll be plenty of banter to dish around. We realize there will probably be a lot of ground already covered in the playtesting discussion held a few months ago, but with some fresh voices and opinions on board we think we can manage something worthwhile. How best do you approach the task of telling someone their map sucks? When does it become a case of “too much praise”? Where do you draw the line when making concessions to other people’s feedback? So on, so forth.
Sound good? Alrighty then!
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