Interview with kristus

On March 19, 2013, in , by alfonzo

It is with great pleasure that TTV presents to you this latest interview offering. Kristus has been on the cards for quite some time, so it was great to be able to finally sit down and talk about his past and present endeavours in map design and discover a great deal more about what went on behind his most well known projects, both in and outside Team Future.

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Program B Episode 3: Quick-Fire Reviews

On March 18, 2013, in , by alfonzo

It’s episode 3 of Program B, featuring the eponymous hero! Today’s discussion is not actually multiplayer related — that will be hitting the thread in a few days time. This here number is rather a sort of quick-fire review on some of the recently released and upcoming high profile mapsets. In rough order, these are:

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Interview with esselfortium

On January 20, 2013, in , by alfonzo

Continuing the longstanding tradition of audio quirks here at TangoTV, this monstrously long episode of your favourite Doomworld talkshow takes place inside a Roman bathhouse! We hope the reverberation isn’t too much to bear.

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Interview with MTrop

On December 9, 2012, in , by tango

for some reason my recording program… screwed up. not sure exactly what happened, but when i went to recompress it and patch it up before uploading, what seemingly happened was that some of *my* audio was played back in the audio seconds before i actually said it, so you’ll sometimes simultaneously hear me speaking from the future while Mista_T/alfonzo are still talking about the previous question. there was nothing i could do about it… all 3 of our voices were on the same track. every time this happened, in the place where my voice *should* have been, it had been replaced with silence.

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Interview with Kaiser

On December 9, 2012, in , by tango

i apologize for the poor audio quality; that was completely my fault. i did a poor job calibrating my mic on the new program we tried, so it picked up a lot of unnecessary sound. i tried editing out as much of the shite as i could

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Interview with Snakes

On October 8, 2012, in , by tango

so i just did another interview with snakes and things were going ok until apparently my mic got mostly unplugged near the end so i’m almost completely inaudible towards the end. so. not quite sure what to do about that. sigh. i’ll get this right one of these times, i swear!

i’m posting the slightly edited snakes interview but the sound at the end is still wonky/my voice is missing

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Interview with Xaser

On September 12, 2012, in , by tango